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How to be a Plant Lady.

Plants. Out of all the creations God has "planted" on this Earth, (did you like my pun?) the beautiful life of colorful, unique, and heath benefitting plants has to be one of my favorites. Why? Not only can plants add a charming flare to any living space, they can bring so many great health benefits to one's humble abode. At this point, I've come to terms with my addiction to plant hoarding. In my quaint little bedroom, I have over 12 different plants ranging in various sizes, shapes, and colors. Instead of seeking out help through a plant therapist, I have embraced this new found lifestyle and taken the title of "Plant Lady" head on. All jokes aside, plants mean so much more to me then just a little life that grows in terra cotta clay pots. They're a constant reminder of life and it's growing process.

It is not a coincidence that I am writing this blog post on Good Friday. For those who don't know what "Good Friday" is, it is a day of remembrance of Christ making the ultimate sacrifice. For me, it is a day of outpouring thanks to my amazing Father in heaven and His heart to give His one an only Son up, for the rest of His children to be renewed forever. This story reminds me of a group of plants that I witnessed last summer grow and flourish in the summer heat. This group I am referring to is called "perennials". I loved these plants because of their vibrant colors and how often they grew each day. With the summer time ending, I was so sad to see them whither away in the fall and winter months. Fast forward to real time, our garden is growing back like crazy and I was ecstatic to see my little vibrant perennials growing back to life! After talking to my mom about these flowers (aka the real O.G. of all things plants) she explained to me how these flowers die in different seasons, but always grow back. These little plant's reminded me of myself and the season I am currently in. I felt as though during the fall and winter months, a part of my heart was slowly dieing. But now, through time and healing from Jesus, my heart seems to almost be resurrecting from the grave I dug for myself. This sound familiar? God gave His only Son up, in order for us to be renewed in every season. Jesus hung on the cross for hours, pouring out blood from His sides and from His head because of His crown of thorns. With every one assuming this Man of God was dead, three days later, in a glorious resurrecting, He was ALIVE yet again. No power on Earth could keep Jesus down.

No matter what season you find yourself in currently, God will renew you. He will bring back to life the dreams, the desires, and wants you so long for in a glorious revival. Don't lose hope friends, for He is right by your side always.


Now that we have finished talking about the meat of this blog post (vegan meat that is...), let's talk about some of the best house plants I have personally experienced!

Oh my! This little guy has to be one of the many joys in my life. I love that these plants not only look great in my cute little room, but they actually benefit my health. My aloe sits in one of the dimly lit sides of my room. I have learned that this plant will be killed if I place it in direct sunlight. Since there is actual thick, liquid aloe in the leaves of this plant, you don't want to place it in direct sunlight or else it will burn the aloe inside! Interesting right? The health benefits of this little dude are vast and wide! Here are some examples!

- Soothes rashes and burns

- Moisturizes hair and scalp

- Heals cold sores

- Boosts the Immune System - Reduces inflammation

...Need I go on? Not only does the Aloe Vera have major healing properties and health benefits, but it also looks super rad in any living space. Let me know if y'all try this one out!

Ahhhh... the "hipster" plant... Oh, you mean Succulent? Yes. This plant seems to be the hearth throb of Hipster plant connoisseurs everywhere! And I couldn't agree more. Though this image above shows the steriotypical succulent you see in your local overpriced hipster store, the varieties of succulents are extremely vast. My personal favorite is my "string of pearls" plant I just purchased the other day! They are easily maintainable, that is if you give them the proper care. Overwatering is a no! These guys need minimal sunlight and little water. Early sunlight for 2-4 hours is perfect. Water with fertilizer and watch them thrive!!!! Boom... Pow! You are now a hipster plant owner.

You may be wondering, what the heck is that? Well, I think it may one of the most popular plants in today's plant community... aka "Mothers Tongue" or as most people know it, the "Snake Plant"! I know mostly artist's read my blog, so y'all, this one is for you. Since most musicians are on the road, they end up killing all their plants- believe me, I did that once too. But then I discovered the Snake Plant. This guy can literally withstand anything. Matter of fact, it's better to neglect this plant then show it to much attention. It doesn't matter where you place it, it can have direct sunlight or minimal, either way it will live. Theres really no way or a "how to" on how to take care of this plant as far as watering goes. I water mine personally once a month. But I know it can live without water for a little over a month. It really depends on the climate you live in. A benefit of this plant is the neutralization that takes place of the air surrounding the plant. Nasa did a study on air filtering plants, and the "Snake Plant" was one of the most prominent healthy plants that filtered the air in this study. Remarkable isn't? That being said, I notice that my room just feels fresh 24/7. And I sleep AMAZING. Y'all gotta check this special one out!

Plants are truly amazing. They bring me a sense of peace and tranquility that I find can be hard to come by these days. I would like to call this maybe "plant therapy"? Because I really do feel refreshed when I sit and spend time in my room that looks and feels like an actual green house, haha...

In all seriousness, I am so thankful that God has given us plants. To me, they are a reminder of how God loves us. Don't we water and take care of our plants we love so dearly? If one starts to die, don't we spend more time nurturing that one back to health? Most importantly, don't we get so excited when we start to see them grow and thrive... that is how God loves us, except 2456891296 times more! I am in love with our creator, and my plants, though they may be small in comparison to this world, they remind of His bountiful, unconditional, love. I will leave you with this verse that has helped me through the darkest of times...

"They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:8

God is our living water. Plant your roots near to Him my sweet friends and watch your life bear the sweetest of fruits!

God Bless,

Carmen xoxo

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