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Spring Look Book : Beauty From the Inside Out.

Hello darlings! While I sit here and write about Spring fashion, I'm cuddled up with a big blanket to keep warm because of how cold it STILL is outside! Tennessee is yet again being quite temperamental, but atlas, spring time is finally upon us... even if Tennessee is still holding onto winter! I am so thrilled to sit here gracious, and open-eared to hear what God wants me to say to you all. He has placed specifically beauty and grace on my heart lately... I mean the kind of beauty that surpasses the human eye, an looks deep into ones soul. Inward beauty. I am a strong believer that your inward reflects your outward appearance. Speaking from experience, when I have felt shame, pain, or misery, no amount of makeup or clothing could make me feel whole or better. It just simply did it's job, conceal. I even cut my hair to force myself to feel some kind of change, or really, just feel something. Needless to say, no matter how hard I tried, my earthly attempts to feel beautiful by covering my pain always failed me. This is where Grace came in! After fighting God and His attempts to simply just love me for who I am and where I was in those moments, I gave in to His grace. I allowed HIM to make me feel beautiful again. When I look in the mirror now, I simply say to myself, "You are enough". As a woman who struggles with feelings of self-doubt and confidence, it's sometimes difficult to tell myself that everyday. But the beauty of Jesus, is when I am weak, He is strong. He lifts my head in those moments of doubt and says to me, "You are beautifully and wonderfully made, and I love you." That has made all the difference in my confidence and how I feel about my heart and my body. My inward beauty, now reflects my outward beauty.

I laugh more,

I smile more, and I grow happier everyday.

And it's all become of Him.

Now that my inward beauty has been patched up and healed with perfect love, It's time to talk about outward beauty! I am an outgoing, crazy little lady who loves to feel like a superstar when I put on clothes. So, obviously I had to find some unique, adorable clothing retailers who could make my outward beauty match my inside... and I DID! I am honored and blessed to have collaborated on this Spring Fashion Look book with Native Stone Collective and Tiger Tyger Vintage!!! I highly recommend checking these lovely ladies Etsy shops out now, and grabbing something quick before it sells!

The entire time my photographer and I were shooting ( @ErikaRock_ ) I kept thinking how much this outfit reminded me of something I'd see on the website of Stetson's homepage! It's a very country girl inspired look with my adorable wide brimmed western style hat! This outfit is something I'd wear, really anytime. Maybe not to the grocery store... but definitely to grab coffee with a friend or to a concert. The old "To cool for school Carmen" would have cringed if she saw someone wearing this a couple years ago. Oh how times change!

The beautiful rings you see on my hands are both handmade creations from the lovely Native Stone Collective! I love Native Stone because she was the first person I asked to make me a custom ring! I think anything custom is awesome, because it's one-of-a-kind without a doubt. It made me feel so unique and special! The rings add so much color to this neutral cowgirl inspired outfit. I love it!

The vintage suede vest is from Tiger Tiger Vintage! Anything fringe I always gravitate towards because it always makes a bold, yet bohemian statement! This adds the perfect component in achieving a cute western ensemble!!!! Please do yourself a favor and go check out Tiger Tyger's selection of unique vintage pieces. You won't regret it (:

Shirt: Vintage Vest: Tiger Tyger Vintage

Belt: Forever 21

Bellbottoms: Target Jewelry: Native Stones Collective

This beautiful traditional Mexican embroidered dress is also from Tiger Tyger vintage! I kept saying I felt European while wearing it? Haha! Don't ask me why! I'm not sure what it was, but I felt more sophisticated, yet very fresh faced and bohemian. I think this dress will be something I will be wearing all throughout the summer. I strongly dislike wearing jeans through the spring/summer months because of how hot it can get, so a loose fitted dress allows some air to flow ;) !

This dress truly is art. The intricate stitching and color just blows my mind!!!! I'm obsessed. I can't thank you enough Tiger Tyger Vintage!!!! Your gift at finding these beautiful vintage finds is simply amazing!

Dress: Tiger Tyger Vintage

Belt: Vintage

Shoes: Forever 21

Jewelry: Native Stones Collective, Rosewood Private Collection

This look to me is the apitamy of what Spring would look like in outfit form! Or what my soul looks like on the outside (; haha! It's unique, fun and colorful! I love wearing clothes that are vintage and border on the grandma line of things. Because deep down, I truly am an elderly woman.

My photographer informed me of the "blue hour" which is this beautiful time after the sun sets, where the sky is just about to get dark but stays blue for some time! The photos we got next to this blooming tree were simply dreamy and complimented the outfit perfectly.

Shirt: Forever 21

Skirt: Pangea

Shoes: Forever 21

Jewelry: Vintage, Native Stones Collective

This post has been so healing for me to write! Inward beauty and Grace is a vital lesson I've learned over the past couple years, so It's such a blessing for me to be able to share a smidge of my testimony with these two important components. I am not perfect, and like I said earlier, I still very much struggle with negative thought and self-loathing. But I've learned to love my body, mind, and spirit no matter what the day holds or how I look... because to me, I check in with my heart first and make sure that's feeling right above everything else. When you feel incredible on the inside, it's easier to emote it on the outside. I pray I have spoken the right words, and chose the right topics to talk about today. I'll leave you all with this promise from Jesus...

"So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day" 2 Corinthians 4:16

Sending love to each and every one of you!

God bless,

Carmen xoxo

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